Monday 13 May 2024



  1. Botanical Name: Borage.
  2. Plant Name: Tricodesma indicus.
  3. Family Name: Boraginaceae.
  4. Other Names: Donkey thorn.
  5. Useful Parts: Whole plant.
  6. Description: Borage is a small plant with entire leaves arranged alternately, bearing small, bright blue or purplish flowers that bloom throughout the year. It grows naturally in forests and roadside areas across Tamil Nadu and other parts of India. It is native to India and Africa. It is considered a weed.
  7. Medicinal Uses: Borage leaves, when ground with equal quantities of coriander seeds, made into a powder, and taken in doses of ten grams twice daily, alleviate fever within three days.

“Take Borage, the invigorating, antidotal powder That calms pitta, for girls who are anemic. It’s true, my friends, when Borage and aloe Are combined, they create a red powder.”

Borage is effective in treating fever, cold, and cough caused by vitiation of the kapha and pitta doshas. Taking a spoonful of the juice of borage leaves with honey helps alleviate fever.

By grinding the leaves of borage and applying the paste to the affected area, it helps in reducing swelling.

Grind the borage leaves with water, apply the paste on the affected area, and tie with a cloth. This is effective in curing skin diseases.

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