Thursday 16 May 2024

Coconut oil is essential

"Coconut oil is essential for the growth of children. Even in this modern age, children from the age of 15, both boys and girls, are losing their hair prematurely. However, our ancestors lived healthy lives without experiencing hair loss or baldness until the age of 60. The reason for this is their diet and lifestyle. In today's dietary habits, people consume more tasteless foods for the sake of satisfying their taste buds. Consuming foods like fried items, processed foods, and refrigerated foods leads to indigestion, causing abdominal gas, bloating, increased bile, and acidic bile turning into bile juice, which damages the roots of the hair follicles, resulting in premature hair loss.

To prevent such problems, dietary habits need to be changed. Moreover, one should consume more iron-rich greens, fruits, and fish.

Natural foods that aid digestion are the best. It is necessary to avoid fried and processed foods, especially those prepared with refined oil.

Once a week, coconut oil should be applied to the head and massaged. Applying coconut oil to the head daily is essential. However, it should not be mixed with sesame oil. Consuming fresh coconut oil daily is beneficial.

Adding curry leaves in food helps increase appetite.

Taking the juice of a lemon along with equal parts of sesame oil and massaging it on the head once a week improves hair growth.

Coconut oil massage: Coconut oil - 100 ml, cumin - 1 teaspoon, fennel - 1/2 teaspoon, small onions - 3, curry leaves - 2 sprigs, coriander leaves - a small amount, ground fenugreek - 10 grams, cumin seeds - 5 grams. Mix these ingredients together, boil well, strain, and apply the oil daily. If done consistently, it promotes hair growth.

Remember to improve memory power! Eating almonds increases the cholesterol level in the body. Moreover, researchers have found that eating almonds also increases our digestive power. Similarly, eating almonds improves memory power in children.

Almonds also improve memory retention. If one eats 25 grams of almonds daily, they can improve their memory.

Good cholesterol is needed for those who need to concentrate for long periods. Eating almonds for a few days continuously will yield results. This will also provide plenty of vitamins.

To keep blood pure, breath fresh, and prevent stomach and respiratory problems, eat natural foods. Now let's see how to purify the blood and improve blood circulation.

  1. Eating beetroot produces new blood.
  2. Eating Sembaruthi flowers and removing the bitter parts and eating the stalks alone reduces heat and increases blood circulation in the body.
  3. Cooking Murungai leaves with dal and eating them with a boiled egg for 41 days increases blood circulation.
  4. Eating naval fruit every day improves blood circulation.
  5. Mixing honey with ginger juice and drinking it improves blood circulation.
  6. Eating pomegranate improves blood circulation. However, those with rheumatism should avoid it.
  7. Eating Indian guava not only purifies the blood but also cleanses the intestines, stimulating appetite.

😎 Eating custard apple purifies the blood by eliminating worms in the blood."

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