Monday 13 May 2024

Miraculous Medicine for Body Vitality


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Miraculous Medicine for Body Vitality

For those facing reduced vitality, childhood ailments, and impending marriages: The wonder formula containing 55 herbal ingredients, which boosts prolonged physical vigor, includes basil.

The significant cause for diminished vitality in men is attributed to a decrease in physical stamina. Today, the entire world is inundated with medicines to combat ailments such as nervous weakness, reduced vitality, obtaining complete pleasure in sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, weakness in limbs, loss of bodily vigor, and fatigue. Despite widespread advertisements and promotions, many individuals, unaware, pay exorbitant prices for these medications, only to experience deteriorating health due to side effects and mental distress. Therefore, isn't it essential to provide clear guidance on this matter to youngsters? Clarifying doubts and instilling courage by providing answers to such questions is the aim of this article.

Normally, males begin experiencing nocturnal emissions around the age of 13 or 14. This continues to increase from ages 20 to 25. During this time, the body exhibits good physical strength, growth, and determination. Typically, during this age, sexual desires manifest more prominently in the body. In this situation, natural occurrences such as the onset of love, girls engaging in relationships, and the inability to control nocturnal emissions are all considered natural phenomena. Hence, there's no harm to the body. Even if nocturnal emissions occur frequently, until the body matures and reproductive abilities develop, there's no harm. Nocturnal emissions occur as the body naturally discharges semen during sleep. It is stored in the seminal vesicle. When it is full, it automatically releases. This is a natural phenomenon of the body's self-cleansing.

Some individuals believe that excessive nocturnal emissions lead to a decrease in vitality before marriage, leading to their self-assumed diminishment in vitality. Will they be able to bear children? Will they be able to satisfy their wives? These doubts transform into worries. When worried, the nerves inside the body become tense, reducing their function. This leads to various diseases. It's said that worries diminish our lifespans. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Worrying not only deprives one of happiness but also deteriorates one's health." Therefore, it's essential to keep the mind at peace. Maintaining a calm mind is crucial for both mental and physical health.

Upcoming Issues:

• Day by day, physical flexibility decreases. There's stiffness in the limbs, and the body weight decreases. • When nerves become weak, numbness occurs in the hands, and there's a tingling sensation. • Excessive physical proximity with mature women before reaching one's own maturity leads to an increase in nocturnal emissions. • Just like before marriage, the reduction in nocturnal emissions indicates a decrease in semen. • When urine is blocked, there's a release of semen, and merely looking at women can induce fear. • Excessive self-pleasure leads to a decrease in self-control. A girl cannot remain satisfied throughout her life.

If one indulges daily in self-pleasure, these issues will undoubtedly arise. Excessive self-pleasure damages the entire nervous system. It is essential to control the nervous system to prevent seminal leakage. These are the effects of bad habits.

Effects of Bad Habits:

Various studies have shown that habits like drinking, smoking, and stress reduce the quantity and quality of semen. At times, more opportunities for self-pleasure lead to increased exposure to harmful chemicals in food and the environment. Additionally, various physical disorders like obesity arise due to a decrease in vitality, malnutrition, and other such reasons. Hence, recognizing and addressing these causes of diminished vitality is crucial.

Due to the decrease in male vitality over the past 15 years, individuals aged 20 to 50 are facing increased problems. This has been revealed by studies. Excessive chemical use, poor dietary habits, and environmental pollution have led to an increase in various physical conditions like urinary disorders, constipation, and many others. These are all factors contributing to diminished vitality, according to research.

As diminished vitality leads to less satisfaction for wives and potential problems for men, some potent herbal remedies exist in traditional medicine to solve fertility issues and problems rela

Ancient sages, through their writings, discovered the lost art of preparing medicines using herbs and scriptures, thereby reviving lost vitality, forgotten due to incorrect lifestyle practices. These remedies, gathered from mountain forests, constitute a miraculous concoction of 55 herbal ingredients, including:

  1. Clove.
  2. Cardamom.
  3. Nutmeg.
  4. Cinnamon.
  5. Indian Bay Leaf.
  6. Indian Pennywort.
  7. Indian Madder.
  8. Sweet Flag.
  9. Ginger.
  10. Basil Seeds.
  11. Holy Basil.
  12. Cyperus rotundus.
  13. Cardamom.
  14. Terminalia chebula.
  15. Terminalia bellirica.
  16. Emblica officinalis.
  17. Nutmeg.
  18. Mace.
  19. Clove.
  20. Black Pepper.
  21. Sweet Flag.
  22. Ginger.
  23. Black Cardamom.
  24. Costus.
  25. Sandalwood Powder.
  26. Jasmine.
  27. Saffron.
  28. Sugar.
  29. Salt.
  30. Long Pepper.
  31. Frankincense.
  32. Benzoin Resin.
  33. Black Cumin.
  34. Amomum subulatum.
  35. Cumin Seeds.
  36. Small Cardamom.
  37. Cubeb.
  38. Wild Yam.
  39. Indian Asparagus.
  40. Sugar.
  41. Coconut Milk.
  42. Cow Milk.
  43. Ghee.
  44. Honey.
  45. Indian Spikenard.

All these ingredients, along with other medicinal herbs, are available with us. This medicine is formulated specifically to combat common and chronic diseases caused by lifestyle choices. Treatment should be administered for a duration of 3 to 4 months for noticeable improvement in vitality.

Dosage: Take 4 tablespoons in the morning and evening, respectively.

For male sexual vitality, apply a few drops of herbal oil before bedtime.


  • Enhances physical strength akin to water buffalo.
  • Increases sperm count.
  • Improves skin complexion.
  • Aids in weight gain.
  • Enhances male sexual potency.
  • Promotes fertility.
  • Acts as a natural aphrodisiac.

Men intending to marry, if they consume this herbal mixture with milk in the morning and evening before marriage, will experience immense pleasure on the first night itself, without any limits. This can also be consumed by those suffering from diabetes without any side effects.

Recommended for consumption: Include almonds, pistachios, cashews, raisins, dates, mangoes, bananas, figs, and spinach in your diet for better results.

To avoid: Avoid fried foods and other similar items for better health.

ted to impotence.

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