Thursday 16 May 2024

Natural remedies for joint pain


Natural remedies for joint pain • Every morning and evening, consume ten pepper balls, slightly fried, with food. • Mix equal amounts of ginger and turmeric leaves, grind them finely, and apply on the joints. Joint pain will decrease due to the warmth. • If you grind neem leaves and apply them to the joints where there is joint pain, the pain will decrease. • Mix equal amounts of neem oil, castor oil, and coconut oil, heat them slightly, and massage the painful joints. This will reduce joint pain and inflammation. • If you take basil leaves and tie them tightly over the painful joints, the pain will decrease. • Grind karpooravalli leaves, add salt, and heat it, then apply on the joints affected by joint pain and arthritis. Pain will decrease. • Grind mint leaves finely, add salt, and apply gently on the painful joints. If tied tightly, the pain will decrease. • You can apply fresh aloe vera gel on the joints and wrap them with a cloth. • Mix a little garlic oil with sesame oil and apply it on the painful joints. If tied, joint pain will decrease. • Soak drumstick leaves in water and boil. If you wash the painful area with this water, joint pain will decrease.

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