Monday 13 May 2024

Nayuruvi (Amaranthus):

 Nayuruvi (Amaranthus):

Medicinal Properties:

  1. Nayuruvi is originally from China. It naturally grows in all districts of Tamil Nadu. It grows on barren lands, hills, and forests. Its leaves are egg-shaped. From its stem, thorns grow, with rice-like grains attached to them. Its flowers have a green color mixed with red. It bears five types of seeds. Because of its seeding nature, it spreads to other places by sticking to animals, humans, and their clothes. A small plant with long thorns and leaves like arrows is also seen among these. The stem and leaves of this type of nayuruvi appear white. It is called Shen Nayuruvi. Shen Nayuruvi has more medicinal value. It contains feminine characteristics in herbs, as well as divine properties. It is called Puthan Herb. It is also called Atta Karma Herb. Shen Nayuruvi has received divine power. Through the seeds, it bestows wealth.

  2. Drinking nayuruvi water, purifying the body, sweating, and clearing the nerves are its general medicinal properties.

  3. Taking the leaves of nayuruvi and carom seeds in equal quantities, grinding them well, and boiling them in water until half the quantity remains, then drinking it helps in urinary tract diseases.

  4. If the leaves of nayuruvi are dried and ground into powder, and two pinches are applied to the armpits, it prevents body odor.

  5. If you drink the water in which the leaves of nayuruvi have been soaked, three times a day, 3 ml each time, for 5-6 days, it stops the discharge of small urine. It acts well on the urinary system. It is good for urinary tract infections. It prevents irritation of the urethra. It prevents urinary incontinence. It prevents bed-wetting, edema, and excess urination due to thirst. It is beneficial for heatstroke, burning sensation in urine, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

  6. If you take the leaves of nayuruvi, grind them, and mix them with sour yogurt, and consume them on an empty stomach in the morning, it purifies the blood. It cures eye diseases, leukorrhea, and worms.

  7. Cooking the leaves of nayuruvi with lentils and consuming them twice a week cures liver diseases and jaundice.

  8. Applying nayuruvi oil on the scalp and massaging it, and then applying soapnut solution, cures dandruff and itching in the scalp.

  9. If you mix nayuruvi leaves with basil in equal quantities, grind them well, and take half a spoonful twice a day with water, it cures diarrhea.

  10. If you mix 100 ml of nayuruvi juice with 100 ml of sesame oil and apply it to the head, it cures headache, migraines, and dizziness.

  11. If you take 5 grams of roasted nayuruvi with honey in the morning, it relieves back pain.

  12. If those with constipation take 20 grams of nayuruvi seed powder with water, it cures constipation.

  13. If you cook rice with nayuruvi powder like porridge and eat it, it eliminates hunger without creating thirst. You can have it for a week without any side effects. Pepper and cumin seeds stimulate hunger when consumed with water.

  14. Mixing nayuruvi saplings, neem leaves, butter, and honey, and adding them to the bathwater for an hour every day cures skin diseases, asthma, and rheumatism.

  15. Mixing a little bit of mustard oil with nayuruvi juice and applying it on the forehead relieves headache.

  16. Mixing 5 grams of dried nayuruvi with honey and consuming it in the morning reduces menstrual pain.

  17. Soaking the leaves of nayuruvi seven times, rubbing them well, and applying them on the body, and then exposing yourself to the sun, followed by applying butter and washing the body with water, removes body odor. Applying ghee on burns heals them. Applying butter to the eyes clears them and relieves eye strain. It provides a cooling effect.

  18. Those with abdominal pain, indigestion, bloating, and body weakness can soak nayuruvi roots in water, strain it, and drink 60-120 ml twice a day.

  19. People with urinary retention can soak nayuruvi in water, and after boiling it, drink 60-120 ml twice a day, which increases urine output.

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