Sunday 12 May 2024




  1. Common name:- Aathuthummati.
  2. Botanical name:- CITRULLUS COLOCYNTHES.
  3. Family:- CUCURBTACEAE.
  4. Types:- Large thummati, small thummati.
  5. Other names:- Kommati, Varithumma, and Peykummati. Also known as 'Bitter Apple'.
  6. Useful parts:- Leaves, fruits, roots are medicinally useful.
  7. Distribution:- Aathuthummati is native to the Mediterranean and Asia. It was discovered in 1887 in Duruchey, Nubia, and Jrieste. It is found abundantly in Africa, Israel, Palestine, and various regions of Tamil Nadu. It grows along with dry hilly regions, bearing highly bitter leaves and green, white, elongated fruits. The fruits are small and round. They also come in orange and lemon colors. It contains acidic properties. It is propagated through seeds and spreads quickly.
  8. Medicinal uses:- Aathuthummati roots cure diarrhea. It is bitter in taste. Its fruits are small, and they stimulate digestion. When the fruit pulp is ingested, it removes stomach worms. It promotes hair growth. A mixture of large thummati, small thummati, Peythurai, Pey pudal, Pey beerkku, and Pey beerai can be boiled to prepare a decoction. To this, add 2 grams of coarsely ground Aathuthummati seeds, boil in water, and consume in the morning and evening for 4 to 5 days to treat various ailments like diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery, indigestion, flatulence, colic pain, and respiratory disorders. A decoction made of Aathuthummati fruits, milk, and coconut milk can be prepared by boiling 1 liter of each and then adding 3 liters of water. To this, add 2 grams each of dry ginger, white garlic, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black cumin, cumin, thirikadugu, omam, bay leaves, kothamalli, and sandalwood. Boil till it reduces to half. Then add 2 grams of turmeric powder and 10 grams of sugar candy powder. Filter and consume 10 ml of this mixture with honey in the morning for 10 days to treat gastrointestinal disorders, indigestion, stomach pain, and respiratory diseases.

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