Sunday 12 May 2024

Water hyssop


Water hyssop.

  1. Botanical name -: Water hyssop.
  3. Family -: ACANTHACEAE.
  4. Other names- called as Muntakam in literature.
  5. Parts used- Entire plant is medicinally useful.
  6. Cultivation- Water hyssop has small lanceolate leaves, blue-violet colored flowers, and dense clusters of long, white hair-like roots. It grows up to 60 cm tall. It grows with small branches and thick, white stems. The flowers are about 1 cm long. The seeds are found in brown fruit pods. There are 8 seeds in a pod. If the powder of the seed is mixed with water, it will become a paste. It blooms in September and April. It is a marshy plant. It grows naturally in places where there is abundant water. It is propagated by seeds.
  7. Medicinal uses- Common remedy. Increases urination. Treats fever. Provides strength to the body. It cures jaundice, dropsy, diarrhea, and urination problems. It increases libido. Relieves headaches, coughs, and asthma. It gives relief from cold. The root of Water hyssop is useful for health. If 200 grams of dried Water hyssop root is put in 2 liters of water, soaked overnight, and the water is drunk, it will reduce the excess heat of the body, and purify the blood. Arthritis, rheumatism, and abdominal diseases will be cured in 3 days. Dropsy and cough will be cured in 10 to 12 days. By powdering the seed and drinking it with milk from half to 1 gram, it cures dysentery, indigestion, and chest pain. It cures urinary tract diseases. By putting 10 parts of the root in water and boiling it for 24 hours and filtering it and drinking 30 ml of clear water once in 2 hours, it cures dropsy and rheumatism. By soaking 40 grams of Water hyssop seed, 20 grams of Nernjil seed, and 10 grams of white poppy seed in 1 liter of water overnight and drinking it, dropsy and jaundice will be cured. It increases sexual strength. Pleasure is increased. Like preparing salt for food, it should also be dried, fried, and kept in the sun and then salted. 2-3 grams of salt should be put in water and drunk in the morning and evening to reduce body weight. It cures urinary tract diseases, dropsy, and indigestion.

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