Tuesday 14 May 2024



When consuming alcohol, the liver is the only organ that protects him, filters out the alcohol from his blood, and continues to function without interruption even for a second! It's not just functioning; it's a battle. That's why the name of the battling organ is #Liver!

If you see someone as your greatest friend, it's their #Liver. If it's damaged, there's no way to live. The liver is performing jobs that no other organ can do. For example, while other organs can perform 400 tasks at once, the liver completes #800 tasks simultaneously.

It creates more than a thousand enzymes. If there's a slight illness and blood appears, immediately the brain sends information to the liver. When the damaged liver releases blood, it sends a chemical called '#Prothrombin' to the location where blood is released. This chemical creates a net-like structure in the place where blood is being released to #stop bleeding.

This prevents blood loss. If the liver doesn't do just this work, a small illness can kill us. Even if it's a minor headache or a slight fever, we're resorting to #medications. These medications are fully loaded with chemicals. Avoiding that chemical load in the body is the job of the liver. It's not just food that it avoids, but also medicines, supplements, alcohol—anything that can potentially harm the body, the liver protects us from.

If the liver is damaged, it won't even let us breathe properly. Then where would we speak from? If someone says a person's liver isn't functioning properly, it means they can't even digest the food they eat. It's not just food; even medications, supplements, alcohol—anything that could potentially poison us, this liver handles. That's its job. It's a crucial digestive organ. That's why we must never stress it with 'I can handle anything; I'm fine just like that'. Blindly indulging in eating habits can't be done as the liver silently supports it. If you make the mistake of overeating, it can't help you to come back to normal.

People with liver disease can't digest even a small amount of food. That same person, if they ride a horse, will not be able to digest that ride. The liver and the horse both have to move with moderation. People who don't have proper liver function shouldn't consume anything they eat. Not just food items... medicines, supplements, alcohol, anything that can potentially poison the body, this liver empowers. That's why we need to consume natural, organic fruits, vegetables, herbal teas, and natural #coolants like lemonade. In return, we must consume food wisely.

We need to give priority to rest before exhaustion creeps in. After recovery, avoid including English medicines in everything. Let's live healthily with #LiverCare...!!!

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