Monday 13 May 2024



Heart strengthener: ROSA DAMESCENA: Common name: This is grown in all places of India. Roses are grown mostly in countries like Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, France, etc., as a business. It was in India 5000 years ago. After that, it spread to other countries. Roses are famous in Persia (Iran). It is used by kings, queens, and prominent figures. It is grown for decoration in homes and gardens. It grows naturally in forests. It belongs to the shrub species. It has thorns. Good irrigation and manure make it grow well. It has sharp thorns. It has light pink color. It has a pleasant fragrance. It is processed into various products like rose water and rose oil. Other names: Rosa damascena. Family: ROSACEAE Medicinal properties: Rose flower has a mild fragrance. It relieves stomach gas and provides a cooling effect. It strengthens the heart. Its petals provide cooling. Pregnant women can consume it. It has cooling properties. The petals of the rose are collected and placed in a pot. Then, a litre of water is added and boiled. After boiling, half a cup of palm sugar and a little sugar are added. If consumed in the morning and evening, it relieves fatigue. It cools the body and relieves acidity. If consumed for three days, it cures acidity. It should not be consumed beyond this period. Rose petals are collected and soaked in water overnight. In the morning, half a glass of water with rose petals should be consumed. It relieves acidity and cools the body. Rose petals are also used to make rose water. One kilogram of rose petals is added to four litres of water and soaked overnight. Then it is strained, and the liquid is collected. It can be used in dishes like pulao, biryani, etc. Rose oil is extracted from rose flowers. It is used in various dishes and in making perfumes. Rose petals are soaked in water and then dried in the shade. Then they are powdered and stored. If children or adults have heat boils, they can be given this powder with milk. Rose flowers are placed in water and allowed to ferment. After that, the water is used to clean the eyes. If there is excess yeast in the eyes, it will be removed. It reduces eye diseases. Rose petals are soaked in sesame oil. It is known as Attar. It is used in Ayurvedic treatments like leech therapy, etc. Rose petals are cleaned and consumed. It provides a pleasant taste and fragrance. It cures acidity and cools the body. It is good for digestion. It improves digestion and promotes overall health. Rose petals and seeds are ground and applied to the skin and kept in water for a while, then tied in a cloth and kept in water overnight. This will reduce body heat and skin problems.

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