Monday 13 May 2024



"Enhance Memory Herb - SIDA CAPRINIFOLIA:

Common Name: The Enhance Memory Herb grows in all types of soil. However, it grows best in fertile red soil. It is a small shrub with thin branches and leaves resembling the shape of a cow's ear. It naturally grows along roadsides throughout Tamil Nadu during the monsoon season. It is used as a medicine to improve memory and to prevent baldness. It also acts as an aphrodisiac through its seeds.


Medicinal Properties: Its root powder is effective in relieving nerve weakness. It enhances memory. It is useful in cleansing the urinary tract for both men and women. It helps in curing various bodily ailments caused by excessive heat.

Consuming a teaspoon of its powder twice a day with food, if taken by women, may lead to weakness in the body.

Mixing its powder with honey and consuming it three times a day after meals for a week improves body stamina.

To prepare it, grind equal amounts of its leaves, aloe vera leaf, and 3 peppers, then add salt and remove the skin.

When the Enhance Memory Herb's leaves are ground into a paste and applied to the forehead, it relieves headaches caused by heat.

Mixing its leaves with the same amount of pepper and a little salt and applying it to the body three times a day for two weeks cures chronic head diseases .

Taking 10 grams of its powder, mixing it with 80 ml of water, boiling it, and drinking a cup in the morning reduces nasal congestion, mouth, and body odor caused by excessive heat.

Soaking its leaves in a liter of water overnight, boiling it in the morning, and washing the body three times a day for a week can cure skin diseases caused by excessive heat.

Its leaves, when boiled with neem leaves, and the oil applied to the scalp, remove dandruff, lice, and head lice, and reduce hair loss.

Applying the juice of its leaves to the body after heating the oil and applying a hot iron to the oil-soaked cloth tied around the affected area helps in quick healing. This, along with a few drops of pepper and garlic juice, applied to the body three times a day for three days, relieves severe pain."

Note: The last paragraph seems to contain a traditional verse and additional instructions for using the herb. Let me know if you need further assistance!

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